A Cold Blast I Hear
It starts out benign. Just a slight discomfort. I can almost ignore it until without much fanfare or permission. It takes root and grows. It grows offshoots into every corner of my being. The tentacles are alive, burning the grief…
The Still Point
I’m asking us not to simply suffer but to feel it deeply. Is it worth it? The first two lessons are two sides of the same coin, and similar to the tortoise and the hare. To balance slow and precise…
Lonely Red Octagon
Pain is a lot of things. It’s complicated. It can help you, and it can hurt you. And at the same time. It fills my every second, but it doesn’t consume me. Well, it does sometimes, but the years have…
My Prison
A story must begin somewhere. So today in this moment, I pick a spot and step forward. One step after another. I will also take some backward steps to find juicy morsels as required. Even as I write that, I…
Learn the Ways of Nature
I take my seat. The best seat in the house. Right down front, center stage. The curtains rise. Tap. Tap. Tap. A chorus of crickets, cicadas and katydids echoes against the back wall high up in the balcony.
The Journey Begins
My blue Subaru spins in an icy, Indiana intersection. My mother and I are not breathing. Hours later, I wake in the ICU. My arm paralyzed, and Mom is just gone. Police determine I ran the stop sign, and I…