• The Eaglet,  The Fledgling,  The Eagle


    A sip, just enough to wet the tongue, barely enough to swallow. Not too cold, not too hot. Right here, right now, I experience the simple joy in a sip of water. An image, like water, absorbs into my whole…

  • The Fledgling,  The Eagle

    One Singular Moment

    My manuscript is due. I read and reread. Edit, edit, edit. Find more action verbs. Less adverbs. Correct repeated words. Ensure consistent formatting. The thesaurus and word search are my friends. At some point I need to let go and…

  • The Fledgling,  The Eagle

    So, Yeah It Hurts

    Another morning, my mind softly wakens. Down caresses my body. Snuggled deep in my nest, pillows support me from all sides. Each shoulder is propped just right, and they both need it. The left, oh my little guy, he needs…

  • The Eaglet,  The Fledgling

    Knit Together

    Trauma is experienced and held in the body. Feel it. Let it permeate the cells of your body. You don’t have to deny it, or find the good in it. Your experience makes you, you. All the people and places.…

  • The Egg,  The Eaglet,  The Fledgling,  The Eagle

    Robot Therapist

    Fourteen days into my vacation, the last day, begins with my feet propped on the thick brick wall enclosing Grami’s front porch, a place full of childhood memories. Over a hundred years ago, Great-Grampa set these red bricks by hand.…

  • The Fledgling

    So We Beat On

    Even the men are old. A healthy mix of generations fills the church, but I notice the old men. Most, if not all, are related to me. They sit in the pews on the right side of the sanctuary. I…